The Dark Mistress’s Midnight Movie is a horror host midnight movie that doesn’t air at midnight and doesn’t even release often enough to have a set air time. It’s cute! We watch old movies, a lot of them are bad, we make some jokes. It’s the same bit Vampira was doing in the 50s, and the same bit Elvira was doing in the 80s, except we have Violet and Flora.
You can watch New Ellijay TV online! Or you can watch us on your phone or TV using one of our apps:
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Film Festival

Community Media – Hand Bound Zine
This is the first edition of Community Media, saddle stitched Zine style and bound at the Ellijay Makerspace. It only features the History, Meta Manual, and Manual and does not include later supplements. 8.5×5.5, stapled and trimmed, roughly 100 pages.