Welcome back listeners! Today we discuss Fashion Zack ™, Bulk and Skull being threatening in a way that really sucks actually, hilarious leitmotifs, dynamite freakazoids, and Cranberry750401’s disinformatsiya campaign.
Episodes covered: Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger 10 “猿はもうイヤ! (Saru wa mou iya!: Monkeys No More!)” & Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers s1e10 “Happy Birthday, Zack.”
Research topic: Power Rangers home video releases
VHS Releases on the wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Mighty_Morphin_Power_Rangers_home_video_releases
Hosted by Ethan & Andrew (https://retro.social/@ajroach42)
Produced by Nelson (@NelsonForYou)
Kenkyuu Sentai Podcast Rangers is produced at the Ellijay Makerspace (https://ellijaymakerspace.org) in collaboration with New Ellijay Television (https://newellijay.tv). You can follow the show on the fediverse at https://meet.communitymedia.network/@kenkyuusentaipodcastrangers. The Ellijay Makerspace stands on the ancestral, unceded, stolen, and occupied lands of the Cherokee people (https://cherokee.org). Cop City will never be built; Palestine will be free.
This is the audio version of the podcast! You can watch the extended video cut on New Ellijay TV.